Marvel Tsum Tsum Game Wikia

Medusalith Amaquelin, or simply Medusa, is the wife of Black Bolt. Known as the Queen of the Inhumans, she uses her psycho-kinetically controlled hair to create tentacles, shields, and blades, which are stronger and sharper than steel.


Hair Whip:

Level Effect Cost to upgrade
1 Range: XS --
2 Range: S ISO-yellowx20 Coinx2,000
3 Range: M ??
4 Range: L ??
5 Range: XL ??
6 Range: XXL ??


Trichokinesis: tangles Tsums at the bottom, cleared on tap

Level Effect Cost to upgrade
1 Range: XS ISO-whitex1 Coinx1,500
2 Range: S ISO-whitex3 ISO-bluex2 Coinx3,500
3 Range: M ??
4 Range: L ??
5 Range: XL ??
6 Range: XXL ??


Guard [10+ Chains]: for a brief period, protects from regular attacks

Level Effect Cost to upgrade
1 Chance: 10% --
2 Chance: 15% ISO-pinkx50 Coinx3,000
3 Chance: 20% ??
4 Chance: 25% ??
5 Chance: 30% ??

Gameplay video[]

Tips and Tricks[]


